Sunday, September 9, 2007

There Is A Castle On A Cloud...

so i haven't updated y'all. as for ERNEST-- no call back-- no go. but really and truly i wasn't expecting it, so it doesn't even sting.

next up was LES MISERABLES-- which i did today. in a word-- i am THRILLED! i walked into this audition a nervous mess. with the events of this past week (go HERE for the story) swarming through my head and the pressure i put on myself to sound good i was totally and utterly a dork.

LUCKILY, i am blessed with a boston sister who not only drove me to the audition, but coached and supported and said all of the right things in order to make sure i went in with as much confidence as i could muster.

there is this mind game that you play with yourself as you sit outside the audition door. you watch as each nervous auditioner takes his/her place in line, enters the door and then patiently wait to hear the muffled sounds of a piano and singing to start so that you can then begin the neurotic comparison to this person you don't even know. there is danger in this game-- one that will thwart every attempt you make at self-confidence. and let me tell you, you walk into an audition with two things

1- all the talent you have mixed with your preparation and
2- all the self-confidence you can find within you.

this is usually a game in my mind that wins. i'm not a very strong auditioner.

so when i walked through those doors of the room today with a clear head and a bout of happy- go-lucky charisma that surprised even me, i let go of all that nonsense and just had fun!

so i made a joke or two and had the director and the piano player laughing- took my place and started. HE PLAYS THE VIOLIN from the musical 1776 was my selection-- one that showed my range as well as my soprano voice pretty nicely.

dudes- i am pleased to announce, that whether or not i made this show, i did my best- quite possibly better then my best. i was strong and hit every note and finished with a bang!!!! WHOO HOOO!! the director said, and i quote "that was really nice- your voice really plays well on those tops notes- good job." YAYAYAYAY!!!!!

will i make it? who knows. but really even if i don't i can really learn from this experience that i can do this. i will take all of this confidence from this fantastic experience and keep on keepin' on!


ju said...

when you've given all you can, you leave no room for regret or questions. i'm sure you were amazing, and so smart to be able to recognize your own talent. you're right, no matter what happens- you have this experience to draw from.

but- if they don't take you, they're crazy and i'm totally ready for some night time toilet papering, if you know what i mean.