Tuesday, September 18, 2007

How Far Can You Stretch 40 Smackers???

HA~ i am so proud of myself right now. i am pretty sure the first paycheck comes in this thursdee from job A-- boy oh boy i sure hope it's more than $100!

however, i am pleased to announce that i have been living off the same $40 that i had two weeks ago!

yes, i have more money in my bank account than that- even less since i had to get my car out of the impound- but after that lovely experience i decided to see how far i could stretch the remaining bills in my wallet- which just so happened to be $40. this has been an informative albeit exciting adventure to see how one can really save some dough.

things i have done with my $40:

* gone camping with friend and paid for my dinner and my portion of the campsite (nat i think i still owe you $4 though... or is that ju?)

* filled up my laundry card so that i could clean my clothes

* bought pain reliever

* bought a treat at the theater when i was feeling especially hungry

* took myself to a cheapie movie

thumpity thump thump look at peggy go!


NatAttack said...

Peg--I am BEYOND impressed. You're drive is a true inspiration! And $40?! Two weeks!? I need to take some lessons on financing from you.

I love your guts!