Tuesday, September 4, 2007

and so it begins...

so i quit my full time job on friday in pursuit of my dream- to live off my talents. possible? i don't know... but it's worth a try, right?

in honor of this adventure, i told my mom that i would keep track of all of the happenings this year brings- the ups, the downs, the successes and the trips to the blood bank to sell mine for money- when it gets tight.

so here goes nothing!

the first real day already feels like a saturday. i wonder when these days will start to feel like work days that i'm not working. i started things off right this week by scheduling 3 auditions for "the importance of being ernest," "a christmas story," and "les miserables." erenest is this week (thursday to be exact) and i am supposed to come prepared with memorized monologues- i haven't touched a monologue in 2 years-- EEK! so it's off to the book store i go to find something worth doing.

i also need new head shots: here are my old ones... pretty good eh?
but i think it's time to spice em up a little. my good friend tim is a photographer and a good one at that... so thursday morning we will attempt to make me AMAZING so i can peddle myself around town.
i also officially start teaching my creative movement/intro to dance class on saturday mornings, the 15th. i am so excited to do some of the amazing things i have come up with for this class! gonna be GREAT!
already feeling a bit productive and very positive about this change- let's see how long i can keep this up!