Saturday, December 6, 2008


so i have been horrible at keeping up with the in's and out's of the starving artist portion of my life. it's been a tiny bit chaotic since i moved myself from my "comfort blanket" that i like to call boston and took a pit-stop here in the good old SLC, utah.

i stopped here with only one purpose in mind and ended up with more than that- a huge blessing in disguise! most of you know from my other blog that i recently donated a kidney to my little sister- a task that the doing of was much easier than the recovering from- go figure! i'm only 3 1/2 weeks out of surgery and i suffer from a lack of patience that my body actually wants to take the 8 weeks the doctor's told me it would take for a full recovery! how annoying!

however, prior to going under the knife, i was so fortunate to land myself an internship at a local TV studio here in the valley! i became the assistant to the executive producer of a locally produced show. it was so much more than i could have ever hoped for! i got to work with clients and guests on the show and work on contests they were running and work with the sales department and management. it was a dream come true.

and the biggest part of this dream turned reality is that it truly showed me 2 things: 1) i have all the skills, talent and know-how to do this job. and 2) i am just as passionate about it as i ever was! the confidence i gained in myself is unbelievable and i am so more than ever ready to get myself out to LA and fulfill all my dreams! this experience has definitely taught me how easy it is to go after what you want and that i am not far off the right track to making everything i have wanted out of life become a reality!

how exciting is that!?!